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The Tree was Trimmed with Tinsel, Tradition, & Thankfulness

Yesterday, after church, I went to my RA's house for brunch. I've met very few families who are as gracious and as loving as this family is. They're kind of the best. And my heart overflows. But my heart misses my family too. I am none good at being away from home. None of it. I have it too good at home, I suppose.

Seeing their house SO beautifully decorated, her mum in her apron, the table spread, and of course the meal (which happened to include gluten free french toast... I told you they're the best!). Hearing the Christmas music in the background of constant conversation, her dad thoughtfully reminding us that it was Seahawks game day, and the hustle and bustle of her whole family cheerfully inviting us into their home for a meal and tidying it all up as they went. Decorating cookies (yes, mine were gluten free... The. Best.), and all us girls sharing our Christmas traditions gave me all the feels. And now I CANNOT wait for Christmas. Seriously. The countdown has been on since I moved into the dorms, but it's on so hard now. It's only a matter of weeks!!

We put up our tree on December 1st and not a day sooner. I'm sure my mum would have the tree up year round if my dad let her. Our Christmas lights, however, are up all year. Each of us four kids have our own box of decorations that mum's been collecting for us since we were born. Being the oldest, my box is the fullest. I don't hate it. Every year we're given a new decoration. Since I am away when they put the tree up, my mum puts my decorations aside so that I can put them up as soon as I'm home. And I love it.

Our house is always festive and smelling of some holiday themed Bath & Body Works candle. There are always baked goods under the glass cake plates in our kitchen. Christmas music (usually Michael Bublé or the Downton Abbey Christmas Soundtrack if I have anything to do with it) is always playing. And the soaps in the bathrooms are holiday themed as well. During the holidays, we usually attend a winter production that includes a sleigh ride and hot chocolate. We also drive around looking at all the Christmas lights. My mum is a great Christmas-er. The greatest. The holidays really are a special time. They are even more special now that I get to come home from school for them.

I also love spending time with friends during the holidays. I love seeing their decorations. Hearing their Christmas traditions. Singing, reading, crafting, sledding, cuddling (I'm not a frequent cuddler but if the right people ask, I'll do it and I'll do it well), hot chocolating, jingle belling, and so on.

But my favourite? Oh, my favourite is Christmas Eve. We have all the peoples over. All of them. Little bitty's, grandparents, and everyone in between. People arrive late afternoon and the inside of our house looks like one out of a magazine. Mum's a great Christmas-er. Everyone shows up with a potluck-ish dish and Christmas prezzies in hand. Food on the table. Gifts under the tree. Everyone's dressed in their Christmas Eve best and hugs are exchanged. Then we visit for ages, one of the two younger May's heads out to feed calves, and eventually we eat. I head off to my church's Christmas Eve service where, again, everyone is dressed in their Christmas Eve best and hugs are exchanged. There's always an exceptional message and extraordinary worship and I always head back home with a heart full of faith. Later on, all the kids open up a pair of pyjamas and we pose for our annual PJ photo. All the peoples and the excitement that comes along with them slowly dwindle, cookies are put out for Santa, and the four of us kids head to someone's room (usually mine) in preparation for what always feels like the longest night of the year. If and when we do fall asleep, we're sure to be woken up only a few hours later and it's finally here. It's Christmas and it's usually a little bittersweet seeing as how we waited 364 days for it to get here...

Christmas day is something special too. At first it's just the six of us. We open stockings, my dad heads out to the barn, and my mum starts prepping for breakfast. Most of the people from the night before come over again. We feast, we exchange gifts, we nap, we get all dressed up again, we feast again, we sleep. Blessed, thankful, and just plain full. I love our family. I love our traditions. I love it all.

On Boxing Day, I usually head over to a friend's to watch one of the many Lord of the Rings movies. If I don't get sweet-talked into playing by her youngest, I generally fall asleep during the movie. I've yet to see the entirety of any of them.

I am very fortunate to have the Christmas that I do. I don't take it for granted. This year's hasn't even happened yet and I'm already impatiently awaiting next year's.

I'm praying that your Christmas is merry. And joyous. And festive. And bright. I'm praying that you don't miss out on Him this Christmas. And I'm praying that when Christmas is over this year, you wish is wasn't.

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