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Dear Mamas...

I’m not going to type anything you haven’t already read today. But I am going to type some things I’ve never said. Until now.

Dear Mamas,

Today is all about you. And so it should be. You worked hard to bring us into this world and then you worked even harder to not let this world break us. You did a good job, Mamas. A real good job.

I love that we set aside an entire day to celebrate the women who raised us. My Mama has dedicated 23 years of her life to motherhood. Mother’s Day holds a special place in my heart because I cannot wait for the day I get to be celebrated by the ones who will call me Mama. No matter where I go, no matter what I do, I can say now with ALL of the confidence that fostering my little’s growth and protecting their hearts will be my most favourite place to be and my most favourite job. Ever.

That being said, I hate that we set aside an entire day to celebrate motherhood. Because there are women who want to be mothers and simply cannot. I see you Mamas. There are women who don’t want to have children and never hear the end of it. I see you Ladies. There are women who have carried a child, or children, and have lost them before the world even got a chance to know their Mama was carrying. I. See. You. Mamas. There are women who have given birth to perfect little babes and then lost them. I see you Mamas. And my heart aches for all of you. Today and every day.

All that to say, that “Mum” isn’t necessarily an easy title to come by. And because cancer really pissed off my lady bits (a blog post is coming on my cancer journey soon; it’s just so much harder to write than I thought it would be!!), the reality is beginning to set in that the title of “Mum” is something that I am really going to have to fight for. But I’ll fight for it like I’ve never fought for anything else. I’ll fight for that title, knowing that it is not a label. We are not defined by labels, like motherhood. Thank God for that. But rather, we are defined as children ourselves. Children of a King.

Whether you’ve fought infertility, miscarriage, or even the loss of a child. Whether you’re a mum right in the middle of raising your babies, or you find yourself in the throes of immense pain—this day is for all of us.

I hope you feel so loved and celebrated this Mother’s Day, Mama or not. And no matter what season you find yourself in, just know that you are doing enough. You are loved and appreciated.

I feel like I have so much left to say, but this is all my heart can muster tonight.

I also wanted to post the link to this blog post because it says all of the things that I couldn’t and it’s just so beautiful really.

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