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I'm Back. For Me.

Long time, no see.

It's been a hot minute. 240,900 minutes to be precise. And I have no excuse for not having written anything in that many minutes except that I just didn't want to. Now that I am 22, I make grown-ass woman decisions. I do what I want. Sort of. I am still working on the whole "adulting" thing. But I am working real hard and so I'll get there soon enough.

The reason behind not wanting to publish anything on my blog is simple. I've written about it before. It's that feeling, the looming kind of feeling, that no one wants to read what I've got to say. So this is what I decided: I'm going to choose to not care who reads it or what they think about it. I am going to write for me.

It's been a crazy few months since I last hit "publish post." Crazy in both the best and the worst ways. But I wouldn't change a thing. Being away from home is never easy. Being away from home when your heart is weary is even harder. But being surrounded by a group of women you're in charge of leading by example is somethin' special, I'll tell you that much right now. It's incredible. It's like nothing I've ever experienced. And you're welcome to swing by our dorm anytime! Unless you're a boy. Then you are welcome to swing by from 12-9 and that Is it. I am that RA; the one who will kick your boyfriend out at 9:01. And I'm not even sorry about it.

I also have such great people waiting at home for me. Group message worthy people. Phone call worthy people. FaceTime worthy people. If you know me at all, you know that none of those things are my favourite. But when you have people WORTHY of those things? You do them. You do them well. You do them often. And you do them right.

I wish I could put into words what this school year has been like for me thus far. But I can't. I cannot with any of the evens. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe then I can put it into words.

It was short and sweet, but it wasn't nothing. And to be honest, it wasn't for you. I'm glad you're here, but I wrote this one for me. I have a feeling I'm going to write the next one for me too.

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